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Selenite Worry Stone - Stone of Cleansing & Neutralising - WS1

Selenite Worry Stone - Stone of Cleansing & Neutralising - WS1

Regular price £6.99 GBP
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This natural Selenite worry stone is perfect for stone energy healing practices.


Stone of Cleansing and Neutralising

Sometimes you just need a good spiritual spring clean, with its natural cleansing properties Selenite is the perfect stone for just this. Just like burning sage, this purifying crystal clears un-wanted energies.

Selenite Circle Plate & Crystal Charging from Morocco Handmade selenite plate effective for crystal recharging, or drawing healing energy. These selenite plates are mined and polished Morocco using mining methods that leave the smallest footprint possible on Earth in the process. The mine is family-owned and working condition are very good for the miners and polishing staff involved in producing these powerful crystal plates. 

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